Hi! My name is Ingrid,
I'm behind these happy illustrations.

I illustrate for books, magazines, stationery, educational and lifestyle products (and much more) that make our daily lives just a little bit nicer. Together we figure out how to convey your product, brand or story as completely and sincerely as possible, from concept to final product. As an illustrator I love to build a bridge between the concept and the visualisation of a story. Designing everything down to the last detail, so that every dot or line is exactly in it's right place.

Are you looking for lighthearted illustrations that smoothly convey your message with a handmade touch and elements of nature and seasons? That's exactly what I can do for you. I'm curious to see what surprising illustrations are hidden in your story! How about you?

What I can do for you

get to know me

Want to hire my pencil? Or do you have another idea to throw at me?
I am open for projects.

let's meet!

2023 © Copyright Ingrid Wuyster. Website: Studio Above | Photo's: Aline Bouma & Hanke Arkenbout

2022 © Copyright Ingrid Wuyster.
Website: Studio Above
Foto's: Aline Bouma & Hanke Arkenbout